And sometimes all a person can ever pray for is to get better.
I know I prayed for years to be rid of the poison that plagued my life and heart but what I didn't realise was that I needed to do the work to get better.
It's really just as simple as that! Acceptance I mean not the work, no the work was the hardest part but absolutely worth everything I went through.
Someone asked me today how did you knew I would stop and by stop she meant all the bad choices, bad decisions, tolerating less than I deserved, and basically holding myself back.
I told her somehow I just knew it would end and I would get better. Both in spirit in mind but I had to do the work.
She knows the inspiration around my strength both from my faith, my children, and that very special man who graced my life back when this all started so she could appreciate everything I was saying.
She asked how did I it and if would I ever share my story - every detail I told her was a lot and much more than anyone could bear if I was being honest.
Stories like mine weren't for the faint-hearted or for those who couldn't fully understand that we all go through things but some more than others, no they were definitely for those who saw bravery as a way of getting the help you needed and knowing the only strength you ever needed was to believe in yourself and from God!!
Maybe one day if the opportunity arises I'll share all the details fully but for now, I am ok that people don't know all the details about my story.
I reminded her today that all stories shared a similarity "survival" and all ended with a happiness that only having nothing could bring.
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